For the last 4 weeks the students and staff of St Edmund’s Catholic Academy have been collecting items to fill shoeboxes, such as toys, stationary, toiletries etc. The boxes are then checked, and sent with £5 to cover the shipping cost, to a depo where they are checked, then dispatched to different parts of the world.
These Christmas boxes will be the only gifts some of these children will receive this Christmas and they make such a difference to their lives. If you would like to find out more about this campaign please check
Maybe you could help us next year with your donations. Also on this page you can watch some of the children receiving their goods and the smile on their faces says it all.
This year we collected 25 boxes but also sent 3 bags of extra gifts because we ran out of shoeboxes. We would like to give a big thank you to the 6 form Chaplaincy team for all their hard work towards this successful campaign. They gave a presentation in assemblies, collected goods from the classroom and packed and checked the shoeboxes. A wonderful example to us all of generosity and service.