Let us pray a novena for Bishop-Elect Monsignor Timothy Menezes and Bishop-Elect Canon Richard Walker as they prepare for their Episcopal Ordination on 16th July 2024.

This is to be prayed for 9 day.

Sign of the Cross

Loving God, we thank you and praise you for giving the sacrament of Holy Orders to your Church. You have blessed us with many loving bishops to care for your Church throughout the world.

We ask you to pour out your grace on Monsignor Timothy and Canon Richard as they prepare for their Episcopal Ordination.

Give them the Spirit of joy to lift them, the Spirit of hope to inspire them, the Spirit of love to surround them and the Spirit of truth to guide them.

Grant, O Father, that these, your servants, whom you have chosen for the office of Bishop may shepherd your holy flock.

Holy Mary, Mother of God, Pray for them.

St Chad, Pray for them.

St John Henry Newman, Pray for them.

Blessed Dominic Barberi, Pray for them.

St Timothy, Pray for them.

St Richard, Pray for them.

All holy men and women saints of God, Pray for them.

Sign of the Cross.


For more information see: https://www.birminghamdiocese.org.uk/News/two-new-auxiliary-bishops-appointed-for-the-archdiocese