Congratulations to St. Edmund’s gymnasts who performed in the British Schools Gymnastics Championships over the weekend of 17 and 18 March. They had already performed exceptionally well in order to qualify for this prestigious event, and were so proud just to be there. All gymnasts performed exceptionally well on both floor and vault and then as a group in a trio routine. The U13’s team were placed 10th overall and the U19 team were 6th overall, an amazing outcome for St Edmund’s first National debut.
The U19 team actually exceeded all expectations and the West Midlands team (St. Edmund’s and Arden School) became silver medal winners in the Regional competition behind the South East. St Edmund’s were delighted to actually qualify for this National competition so to come home with a medal made it a fantastic Friday! The U13’s team narrowly missed a medal as a region however 4th place in the country was an exceptional achievement, especially when for some, it was their first competition for the school.
The gymnasts have worked so hard over the last few months for this and all did St. Edmund’s proud. The hard work, determination to improve and numerous hours training after school contributed to this successful outcome. Well done!
U19 team – Christina Clifton, Josh Dodd-Matthews, Lysia Bayley and Corrin Smith.
U13 team – Brientony Jeyjaran, Maja Ura and Mia Davis
And many thanks from the team to Mrs Cartlidge and Mrs Swindells for making this possible.