School Motto
To Love and Serve the Lord

School Mission Statement
St Edmund’s is dedicated to nurturing
a learning community where all can grow in faith
inspired by the Gospel values of love, service and forgiveness

Our School Aims
1. to carry out our work within the school and the wider community on the
basis of relationships founded on Christ’s teachings

2. to nurture fully the gifts, talents and vocation of each student

3. to sustain a moral and caring atmosphere within the school and nourish each
student’s spiritual development and care for the whole of creation

4. to embrace the Common Good through working collaboratively with our parents,
primary schools, parishes and partners within and beyond our City

5. to ensure that every member of the school community feels valued and
experiences justice, fairness and equality of opportunity

6. to prepare students for the wider world and to engender in them respect
for other traditions and faiths