Today, we celebrate European Neighbours Day, a wonderful opportunity to foster community spirit and build stronger, more connected neighbourhoods. As Catholics, this day aligns beautifully with our faith’s emphasis on love, unity and the importance of caring for one another. it invites us to put into practice the teachings of Christ by reading out to our neighbours with kindness and solidarity.

The command to love our neighbours is deeply rooted in Catholic teaching. Jesus emphasised this in the Gospel of Mark when He said, “You shall love your neighbour as yourself” (Mark 12:31). This directive challenges us to extend our love beyond our immediate families and friends, embracing those who live around us and sharing in their joys and burdens.

Saint John Paul II once said,”A community needs a soul if it is to become a true home for human beings. You, the people, must give it a soul.” On European Neighbours Day, we are reminded that we play a vital role in giving our communities this soul through our actions, attitudes, and willingness to connect with others.

Pope Francis continually emphasises the importance of building inclusive communities. In Fratelli Tutti he writes, “Social friendship and universal fraternity necessarily call for an acknowledgement of the worth of every human person, always and everywhere.” This teaching resonates deeply with the spirit of European Neighbours Day, calling us to see and treat our neighbours as brothers and sisters in Christ.

Let us embrace this day with open hearts, reaching out to our neighbours with genuine love and compassion. In doing so, we live out the Gospel message and contribute to building a more connected and caring world.