Today the Catholic Church honours the Feast Day of Saint Christopher, a saint renowned for his legendary faith, courage and service. Known as the patron saint of travellers, Saint Christopher’s story inspires us to carry Christ in our hearts and to assist others on their journey, both physically and spiritually.

Saint Christopher, whose name means “Christ-bearer”, is believed to have lived during the 3rd Century. Although the historical details of his life are sparse, the popular legend of Saint Christopher has been a source of inspiration for centuries. According to tradition, Christopher was a strong and tall man who sought to serve the greatest king he could find. his search eventually led him to serve Jesus Christ.

The most famous story about Saint Christopher recounts how he helped travellers cross a dangerous river. One day, a small child asked Christopher to carry him across. As they crossed the river, the child became incredibly heavy, and Christopher struggled to reach the other side. When they finally arrived, the child revealed Himself as Christ, carrying the weight of the world’s sins. This miraculous encounter transformed Christopher into a faithful Christian, dedicating his life to serving God.

Saint Christopher is widely venerated as the patron saint of travellers. His intercession is often sought for safe journeys and protection from harm. Many people carry Saint Christopher medals or place statues in their cars as a reminder of his protection and a symbol of their faith.

The Feast Day of Saint Christopher invites us to reflect on the ways we can embody the spirit of this beloved saint in our lives. By serving other with humility, bearing Christ in our hearts, and seeking strength through faith, we can follow in the footsteps of Saint Christopher and become true “Christ-bearers” in our world. As we celebrate his feast day, let us ask for Saint Christopher’s intercession, that we may be guided safely on our journeys and that we may help other along their path, leading them closer to Christ.

Saint Christopher – Pray for us!