The energy, dedication and teamwork of St Edmund’s Year 9 girls basketball team have paid have in an extraordinary fashion. We are thrilled that these talented athletes have achieved the silver medal at the Black Country School Games. Their journey to the podium is a testament to their hard work and unwavering spirit.

The competition kicked off with a 9-0 victory against Shire Oak in Walsall. This game set the tone for the tournament, showcasing the teams offensive and defencive strength and skill.

The next challenge was against Wolverhampton’s other qualifier, S. Peters. During this game both teams displayed exceptional skill and possession. Despite a valiant effort. S. Peters clinched the game with a final result of 6-2.

Refusing to be disheartened, the team bounced back with victories against Phoenix 1 and Phoenix 2 teams. Their cohesive play and relentless drive were evident as they outperformed their opponents. Special mention goes to Ginerva Mensio from Year 7, whose remarkable shooting ability played a pivotal role in these wins.

In the final match against Walsall, the team’s confidence and skill shone brightly. Precision shooting and teamwork led to a decisive victory. With only one loss throughout the tournament, St Edmund’s Year 9 girls secured the runner-up position, earning a well-deserved silver medal.

This silver medal win is a fantastic achievement for St Edmund’s Year 9 girls basketball team. It reflects not only their talent and hard work but also their ability to overcome challenges and work together as a cohesive unit. We are immensely proud of each player and their contribution to this success.

Congratulations to our superstars for their outstanding performance at the Black Country School Games. You have made your school proud, and we look forward to seeing even more great achievements from you in the future.

Photo: Ginerva M, Kayliah H, Karis B, Sade J and one other student