Today the Catholic Church celebrates the Feast Day of Saint Clare of Assisi, a remarkable woman whose life of radical poverty, deep faith, ad unwavering devotion to Christ continues to inspire Catholics around the world. As a close follower of Saint Francis of Assisi and the founder of the Poor Clares, Saint Clare’s legacy offers profound lessons in humility, simplicity, and spiritual fortitude.

Born in 1194 to a noble family in Assisi, Italy, Clare was deeply moved by the teachings and example of Saint Francis of Assisi. At the age of 18, she renounced her wealth and status to embrace a life of poverty and dedication to God. Clare joined Francis in his mission, and under his guidance, she founded the Order of Poor Ladies, later known as the Poor Clares.

Saint Clare’s commitment to living a life of absolute poverty was revolutionary for her time. She established a community that relied entirely on the providence of God, rejecting any form of material wealth and dedicating themselves to prayer, contemplation, and service.

One of the most famous stories of Saint Clare’s faith involves her defence of Assisi. When the city was threatened by invading soldiers, Clare held up the Blessed Sacrament at the convent walls and prayed for protection. Miraculously, the soldiers retreated, and the city was saved. This event highlights Clare’s deep faith in the power of Christ and the Eucharist. The Order of Poor Clares continues to thrive today, with communities around the world living out Clare’s vision of poverty, prayer, and community life. Their presence is a testament to the enduring power of her legacy and her impact on the Church.

The Feast Day of Saint Clare of Assisi invites us to reflect on the profound impact of her life and the virtues she embodied. Her radical poverty, deep prayer, unwavering faith, and servant leadership offer a compelling model for living a life dedicated to Christ. As we celebrate her feast day, let us ask for Saint Clare’s intercession, that we may grow in our own faith and commitment to God. May her example inspire us to embrace simplicity, deepen our prayer lives, and serve others with love and humility.

Saint Clare of Assisi – Pray for us!