Disciplinary Literacy is the understanding that reading skills differ across different parts of the curriculum.

This focus on disciplinary literacy makes clear that every teacher communicates their subject through its own unique language, and that reading, writing, speaking and listening are at the heart of knowing, doing, and communicating Science, Art, History, and every other subject in secondary school.

Good literacy is, of course, key to academic success across the curriculum and is fundamental for success in school and beyond.

Here at St Edmundā€™s, we believe Ā passionately in every childā€™s right to have access to appropriate and challenging reading material. We believe that disciplinary literacy and reading is a core skill that must be developed in all our young people to ensure that they can reach their God given potential and make a difference in both their local and global community.


Our students will:

  • Become fluent readers. Every student will have the skills to access a minimum of age-related reading materials by the time they leave their academy.
  • Develop their academic writing and reading skills through the delivery of disciplinary literacy within each subject area. X
  • Learn to develop and adapt their spoken language to specific situations while celebrating their own heritage, accent and community.
  • Benefit from their academy library which promises access to a range of appropriate and challenging longer texts including Shakespeare, 19th century literature and a wide range of modern and young adult reading for pleasure texts.
  • Have opportunities to celebrate literacy through extracurricular clubs, academy and trust wide competitions and other bespoke opportunities.
  • Develop strong cultural and current affairs knowledge.