In the sunshine of May, our hearts turn towards the revered figure of Mary, the embodiment of grace and devotion. At St Edmund’s, this sacred month brings the beginning of our Rosary Rally, a cherished event that unites our community in prayer and reverence.

In the tranquility of our Peace Garden, adorned with serenity, we gathered to honour Mary. With hearts uplifted and voices joined in harmony, we crowned her statue with a delicate crown of flowers, a symbol of our unwavering devotion and love for God. This simple yet profound act resonated with the essence of May, a time of renewal.

As the sun gently cast its golden glow upon us, we recitied the first decade of the Rosary, the rhythmic cadence of prayer weaving a tapestry of spiritual connection. We delved deeper into the mysteries of faith, guided by the comforting presence of Mary, our steadfast intercessor.

In the softness of the breeze, we contemplated the first Joyful Mystery, the Annunciation, where the angel Gabriel heralded the dawn of salvation to Mary, the humble handmaiden of the Lord. Through quiet reflection and contemplation, we sought to emulate Mary’s unwavering faith and surrender to divine will, finding solace in her maternal embrace.

Amidst the peaceful serenade of nature, we raised our voices in song, offering homage to Mary with the timeless melody of “As I Kneel Before You”. WIth each noth, we expressed our gratitude and adoration, a heartfelt tribute to the Queen of Heaven and Earth.

Throughout this sacred month, we are called to deepen our connection to Mary through the daily recitation of the Rosary, each day embracing a different language as a testament to the diversity of our Academy community and the universal appeal of faith and prayer. We seek to unite our diverse community in a symphony of devotion and love.

As we embark on this spiritual pilgrimage, let us draw inspiration from Mary, the epitome of grace and humility. May her example guide us through life’s trials and triumphs, illuminating our path with the radiance of her love.

In the serene embrace of May, let us pause to honour Mary, our guiding light and steadfast intercessor. Through the timeless tradition of the Rosary, may we find solace and strength, drawing ever closer to the heart of God.

Together, let us journey with Mary, our beloved Mother, as we navigate the sacred mysteries of faith and love. For in her embrace, we find peace, and in her presence, we find grae eternal.