Saint Cecilia is revered as the patron saint of musicians, and her life is shrouded in both historical accounts and legendary tales. According to Christian tradition, Cecilia lived in Rome during the 2nd or 3rd century AD and was a devout Christian who dedicated her life to God. Legend has it that she was betrothed to a pagan named Valerian but had already consecrated herself to a life of chastity. During her wedding ceremony, it is said that Cecilia sang to God in her heart, and an angel supposedly played heavenly music. Cecilia’s devotion to her faith and her musical talents led to her enduring association with music. She is often depicted with a musical instrument, usually a harp, and is celebrated with music festivals and concerts in her honor. Saint Cecilia’s legacy lives on as a symbol of faith, purity, and the transcendent power of music.

Her musical legacy provides great inspiration for our students in how they can connect to God through their talents. On her feast day we think of our Performing Arts department and their dedication to worship through song.

Make a joyful noise to the LORD, all the earth! Serve the LORD with gladness! Come into his presence with singing! – Psalm 100:1-2