St Edmund’s is working towards Eco-Schools Green Flag accreditation, you can find out more on the Eco-Schools website:

With the world beginning to experience the effects of climate change; different species of plant and animals becoming extinct every day; and micro-plastics being found in the most remote locations on Earth – now is the time to educate future generations about the impact of our actions on the planet we call home.

The Eco-Schools programme does this by providing a simple framework that has been designed to raise awareness of environmental issues whilst empowering young people to make a positive difference by taking a lead on environmental actions and projects in their school and local community. 

Within this framework, young people have the freedom to decide on the environmental issues they would like to tackle. Once young people have chosen their topics, they decide what actions they would like to take and how they are going to involve their school and community. The process takes around one academic year to complete and culminates in an Eco-Schools’ assessor looking over a school’s application and evidence, to recognise and celebrate their achievements.

The Eco-Schools programme began in 1994, is delivered in more than 70 countries around the world and England is operated by the environmental charity Keep Britain Tidy. The programme not only positively impacts our planet (for example schools participating in the programme planted 50,188 trees during the last academic year), it also benefits young people, building teamwork and leadership skills whilst increasing confidence and reducing eco-anxiety.

As a key part of the Eco-Schools process, it involves our entire school and wider community, we wanted to get in touch to let you know about our involvement. We also wanted to let you know what to expect over the coming months: regular updates on our school website and social media; invitations to participate in environmental events and projects; and increasingly conscientious young people. 

Our Eco Club will be meeting every week after school and is open to all pupils. 

Thank you to Digital Disability for providing funding to enable us to take part in the Eco-Schools programme this year.