A Message from the Principal
Do you want to take control of your own learning and be empowered to excel?
This is what I want for each and every student at St Edmund’s Catholic Academy. Experience tells us that the students who take the greatest responsibility for their own progress are those who develop their independent learning skills from Year 7. This independence of approach is an area that all students should strive to improve, building on strategies and skills as they progress throughout every year at the Academy. We want to ensure that all of our students know more, remember more and can do more reinforcing their lessons by setting a range of independent or homework tasks. I ask you to ensure that each student applies themselves to these tasks and works to the best of their ability to develop the skills they will need to in preparation for exams and life beyond the classroom.
We wish you the very best of luck with your independent work!
What does independent study look like at home at St Edmund’s Catholic Academy?
At St Edmund’s Catholic Academy we believe Independent study is essential. It gives pupils the opportunity for research, develop independent learning skills and reflection. Through independent study, students are able to consolidate previous learning and prepare for future topics; extend learning in the classroom and assess progress towards their targets; identify and ‘close their gaps’ in each subject area and develop the skills they will need to in preparation for exams and life.
How can independent learning help ‘close the gap’?
Research conducted by the EEF (Educational Endowment Foundation) states that students who conduct two hours of independent study per day perform significantly better than their peers who would do less. Therefore, this is considered one of our top priorities at St Edmund’s Catholic Academy from Year 7.
How much independent work at home can students be expected to complete?
All independent work at home will be set according to your allocated homework timetable which has been shared with you within the Academy. Time allocation expectations include:
- Key Stage 3- Students should completing between 30 to 60 minutes of independent learning per day per week on google classroom.
- Key Stage 4– Students should be completing between 1 to 2 hours of independent learning per day per week on google classroom.
- Key Stage 5 – It is expected that sixth form students complete four hours homework per subject per week. Staff will set independent learning that amounts to this quantity on google classroom.
Will students find independent learning hard at St Edmund’s Catholic Academy?
Studies have shown that all students perform better when they are in the ‘struggle zone.’ Therefore, any independent work will be set with this in mind with a degree of thinking required and will be of high challenge leading to effective learning habits and study skills being learnt. This optimum learning ‘struggle zone’ is further explained by the diagram below:
What will Independent Study at St Edmund’s look like at home?
Departments across the Academy may set numerous independent learning tasks to be completed from home. Some of the context of these task are outlined below:
- ‘Pre’ Independent Study – this could be to ‘pre-learn’ contextual information and develop understanding of vocabulary. One example may be to focus on studying sections of the digital Knowledge Organisers available online for each department.
- ‘Post’ Independent Study – This comes from what students have learnt previously in class . This is where knowledge and skills can be practised, applied or consolidated for knowledge retrieval. These are essential skills needed for any assessments or future examinations.
- Flexible Challenge – Periodically, departments may set an optional piece of independent study such as a google form or quiz based around a topic studied in lesson. A Deeper Learning Assignment is an extended assignment which is broken down in manageable parts by teaching staff over half a term. These assignments may not necessarily be on a topic covered in class but creates an opportunity to build cultural capital and extends the research skills of our students.
How do we set homework?
Each student has a personalised homework timetable for all their subjects which was issued at the start of the year. This has been arranged so that there is an even spread of work from different subjects across the two weeks of the St. Edmund’s timetable and there is not too much work for students to complete on any particular evening.
How do I find where my homework is?
All homework is set on Google Classroom. Students are able to access Google Classroom from school, at home or anywhere where they have access to an internet connection. There are Google Classroom apps for smartphones so homework can be accessed on the move.
How can parents track homework for their child?
Students have access to a ‘to-do’ list on Google Classroom which parents can ask to see so they are clear about what work their child is doing. Parents/guardians were sent an invite from the school to access ‘guardian updates’ which allows you to sign up for a daily or weekly email summary of the work set for their child. We encourage all parents to do this to ensure tracking can be done at home.
Students will also receive a paper copy of their homework timetable an example is seen below:
Other ways you can help extend your child’s subject knowledge at home?
In order to help you facilitate your child and extending their knowledge and understanding we have produced a booklet of useful websites and revision guidance for your child attached below:
Independent learning and homework booklet
How can you help as a parent/ guardian?
Your child will need to work more independently at secondary school than at primary school, but your interest and input will still be important and will help your child to do well.
- Provide a quiet environment, where possible, and necessary equipment.
- Have a regular independent learning routine.
- Praise effort, rather than achievement.
- Show an interest and ask questions about work they are completing.
- Monitor: check your child’s google classroom account and independent learning tasks regularly.
- Check they have access to all the correct log ins including GCSEPod and the internet. If there is an issue please contact [email protected] – Assistant Principal – Teaching and Learning