
Welcome to the Library at St Edmund’s Catholic Academy. The library is a friendly place where staff and students can borrow books and share a love of reading. The library is situated on the English corridor and has lots of  fiction, non fiction books, magazines and ebooks for pupils to enjoy.

Mrs Smith is our school librarian. She loves reading and likes to hear what pupils have been reading too! Mrs Smith is in school 10am-2pm every day and if she is not here you can return your books in the box on the desk. We love to hear suggestions of material pupils are reading and encourage students to share their love of reading with others.

Pupils have loans of up to two weeks and will be reminded by student email when books are near and overdue. We ask pupils to bring their books back so others can enjoy them too. Pupils can borrow two books at a time and are asked to bring them back in good condition.

We have a wonderful team of Library Ambassadors who help Mrs Smith and share their love of reading with others. These pupils give up their time to help others in the library and make the library a fun place to be.

Not only do we have a wonderful library full of books, we also have access to hundreds of books through our catalogue VLE Books. Pupils can access these books remotely and can read a wide variety of things online with their own unique logon and password. Follow the link on the library website to access a wonderful online library.

Pupils will have an opportunity during English lessons to visit the library to borrow or return books. Pupils are also encouraged to be involved in the many events the library holds including author visits, world book day and our annual poetry competitions.

The library belongs to our students and they make the library a fantastic place to visit and belong to. We hope you enjoy your time in St Edmund’s Library.