Yesterday we hosted a parent study skills support evening for Year 11 parents to learn how to help their child when studying.

Key information was shared on how parents can support their child at whilst preparing for English, Maths, Science, RE and Spanish GCSE exams.

Parents were given tips on how they can help their child structure their revision to maximise the impact it has. They were also shared different metacognition and revision strategies for parents to guide their child to use.

Advice and guidance on how to best utilise GCSEPod to aid revision was also shared. This allowed parents to learn how GCSEPod functions and how it can provide revision content for all areas of study.

For students in our Loyola Academy, key information and strategies were shared on how these students can best prepare and revise for their exams.

It was a great evening and provided lots of information for parents. Thank you to everyone who attended.