On Wednesday 3rd of May, we began our “Rosary Rally” for the month of May. This began with a meeting of the academy Chaplaincy Group who made a floral crown for the statue of Our Lady in the Peace Garden. We processed around the garden and crowned Our Lady as Queen of the May, singing hymns and praying a litany to her. From that day, and every lunchtime, we prayed a decade of the Rosary in many of the different languages spoken by our students and their families, or which are taught by our wonderful Modern Foreign Languages department (thank you Miss Rainey for giving us names of students and languages they speak). The languages we prayed in were:

  • English
  • Spanish
  • French
  • Italian
  • Polish
  • Slovak
  • Czech
  • Yoruba
  • Igbo
  • Punjabi
  • Malayalam
  • We finished in Latin, the universal language of the Church.

We had hoped to finish by half term but two bank holidays and strike days meant we had to extend May into the first week of the new half-term. We would like to thank all those students who came to pray the Rosary, to lead it in a different language, but especially Alan Kalinowski, Anshdeep Singh Kaur (who came every single day), and Treasure Solanke
who were the bedrock of this period of prayer.

We would like to remind all our students and staff that the chapel is always open and all are welcome to come and pray, sit in silence, or have a chat about faith and life in general. We have our voluntary Mass each Monday during tutor time, and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament each Friday lunchtime.

We look forward to seeing you.

Rev and Molly

Photo: Rev McKearney, Alan Kalinowski, Treasure Solanke, Anshdeep Singh Kaur, and Miss Kerrin