Saint John Bosco, also known as Don Bosco, holds a cherished place in the Catholic tradition as a remarkable educator, priest and advocate for the welfare of young people.
Born in 1815, he dedicated his life to the service of God and the guidance of impoverished and at-risk youth in Turin, Italy.
Inspired by a vision, Saint John Bosco founded the Salesian Order, an educational community committed to the holistic development of the young, combining academic, spiritual and vocational training. HIs approach emphasised kindness, understanding and a deep trust in the power of love to transform lives.
Saint John Bosco’s tireless efforts to provide a nurturing environment for the marginalised youth and instill in them a sense of faith, hope and responsibility have left an enduring legacy.
Saint John Bosco – Pray for us
Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. – Matthew 18:5