Mothering Sunday is a day of reflection and celebration. It is an important day where we return to our mother church and reflect on the healing nature the church provides for us. This day is also a celebration of our mothers and those who are like mothers, who have nurtured us. There is remembranceĀ for those mother figures we have lost, through all means, and a thought to those who never had a positive relationship with their mothers. Let us be comforted by our heavenly mother, the Blessed Mary, and let her holy guidance move us through this day.
We are all part of God’s family and we have a responsibility to help others achieve their full potential. Like a mother, let us nurtureĀ and guide those who need it to become the best they can become. This day may you be compassionate to those in need, whether that be those without mothers or mothers without children. Check in on those who are alone this Mothering Sunday, spend timeĀ with them and let them know their value.
She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue. She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness – Proverbs 31:26-27