On Tuesday September, we welcomed year 7 to the Community of St Edmunds Catholic Academy by inviting them and their families to celebrate Mass in the Arena.
Many of the new students took part in the mass, reading and bringing the gifts of bread and wine to the Altar. We are blessed with lots of new Altar Servers from different churches who are a credit to their parishes. Fr Mark and the staff were impressed with the service they gave.
We wish all the new students and staff a happy time at St Edmund’s and look forward to seeing them develop into the saints they can be, as Mrs Hughes said ‘one of them may even be the future Prime minster or a future Olympian’.
Prayers to Begin a School Year
God of wisdom and might,
we praise you for the wonder of our being,
for mind, body and spirit.
Be with our children as they begin
a new school year.
Bless them and their teachers and staff.
Give the strength and grace as their bodies grow;
wisdom and knowledge to their minds
as they search for understanding;
and peace and zeal to their hearts.
We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord.