Last term, eight St Edmund’s gymnasts travelled up to Fenton Manor Sports Complex to compete in the West Midlands Floor & Vault Competition.

This year there were 10 teams that entered the competition and the standard of gymnastics was very high.

Joshua Dodd-Matthews competed first in the U14 section and he did not let his nerves phase him at all as he pulled out two amazing performances on the floor and vault. This was his first West Midlands competition and he was fabulous; a coach from another school even commented on how well he had performed.

St Edmund’s team competed on the floor first and they did so with style, precision and lots of extension. Rebecca Butler scored the highest on the floor with 14.15 out of 16.0.

In the vault section all St Edmund’s gymnasts nailed their landings and again scored well, Lisa Spratt scoring 14.9 and Christina Clifton 14.7.  Amber-Leigh Nicholls performed in the individual section and did exceptionally well too.

We were very proud of everyone and to find out that we came 4th out of 10 teams was very pleasing.

We would like to thank all the gymnasts for their hard work both during the competition and during their many late night training sessions.  It has all paid off!

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