On Tuesday 18th July, our Year 7 students participated in the Year 7 Drama Festival.
Year 7 classes have been working hard, writing play scripts and rehearsing, culminating in a class vote where each group put forward a performance for the festival. All performances were original pieces, written, designed, and performed by our students.

Year 7 was treated to eight very different performances that had us laughing, crying, and
considering our own morals. All finalists have received a copy of Taran Matharu’s novel The Novice from The Summoner series. Well done to the winning group from 7XB who have won tickets to the National Theatre’s performance of The Ocean at the End of the Lane at Wolverhampton Grand Theatre in September.

One Year 7 student commented ‘I enjoyed the Drama Festival because it was fun to watch and was amazing to prepare; the performances were fabulous!’ One of our performers said ‘We really enjoyed getting to perform – it was nice when everyone said they enjoyed our play.’